Expert Partner for Affordable Offerings
Sustainable Technology to Preserve our Quality of Life
EcoSteris is an innovative medical waste management company that specializes in providing environmental and healthcare integrated waste treatment and disposal solutions through the use of clean sustainable technology that meets strict national and international safety standards and regulations.
At EcoSteris, we understand that regulated medical waste management is not only an issue of cost and convenience, but it is also a subject of liability, public relation, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability. This is why EcoSteris is committed to providing advanced, comprehensive, and integrated medical waste solutions that are designed to help healthcare providers, medical waste generators, and service partners establish safe, sustainable, reliable, and affordable waste management and disposal operations that protect our public, preserve our planet, and reconcile economic and social needs.
Social and Environmental Responsibility
Low-Priced Innovative Solutions and Flexible Choices
Compliance and Safety
Quality Services and Customer Satisfaction
Through our infrastructure and network of partners, EcoSteris offers reliable and affordable off-site medical waste management services for small and large waste quantity generators throughout the state of South Carolina. Our service plans include:
Medical waste removal and disposal services
Sharps disposal management and services
OSHA & HIPAA Compliance Training
Medical supplies and packaging
Consulting services
Professional and financial services: investment assessments and cost analysis
Permitting and compliance
Contact us to learn more about our capabilities, coverage, and cost-effective services, and/or to request for additional information including a quotation.
While incineration of medical waste generates harmful substances such as dioxin and furan, steam sterilization (autoclave) is regarded as environmental-friendly and the most economical non-incineration technology to process medical waste.. Our process is based on advanced GREEN autoclaving (non-burning) method that uses clean heated pressurized steam with no added chemicals to treat and dispose of the medical waste.